Sunday, 23 November 2014

Demystifying Oracle Socket Adapter


Spent some time today to understand how socket adapter works , how to test composite as it can’t be done from EM for inbound socket adapter. Lets assume the below use case, we have fixed length separated file , say Employee Details coming in source over some TCP port say 12112. SOA composite will bind the incoming file using NXSD and accept the stream data , then it will perform certain operation and return ACK to same socket port with some predefined code. Below are the detailed implementation steps,

1. At first create a new socket adapter outbound connection pool from weblogic console.



Give the port no which should be free in your system, to check at your windows PC you can issue netstat -an | find "12112"  from command-prompt, else you can download TCPView from, it has good gui.


By default KeepAlive property is set as false, you can change the same to true for better performance.

2. Next create a emp.dat file like below ,


And a fixed length NXSD file to read the same,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
            elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
            nxsd:version="NXSD" nxsd:stream="chars" nxsd:encoding="US-ASCII">
  <xsd:element name="EmpDetails">
        <xsd:element name="Emp" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" nxsd:style="array" nxsd:cellSeparatedBy="${eol}">
              <xsd:element name="FirstName" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="fixedLength" nxsd:length="8"/>
              <xsd:element name="LastName" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="fixedLength" nxsd:length="8"/>
              <xsd:element name="Age" type="xsd:int" nxsd:style="fixedLength" nxsd:length="2"/>
              <xsd:element name="DOB" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="fixedLength" nxsd:length="10"/>
              <xsd:element name="Salary" type="xsd:int" nxsd:style="fixedLength" nxsd:length="3"/>

Create another XSD file for sync response to socket request,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
  <xsd:element name="Response">
        A sample element
        <xsd:element name="Code" type="xsd:string"/>

3. Now create a empty composite and drag-drop an inbound socket adapter, select Inbound Sync Req/Response from operation ,


Select the JNDI you created earlier at step#1.


Select request and response XSD that you created step#2,


Create request/response XSL for handshake like below and finish.


Now create a outbound file adapter to write the input data in the file.Drag and drop a BPEL component defining interface later.


Now go to the BPEL process and design like below,


It’s just any other BPEL process, screenshot of different activity,

image image


Notice the last assign activity, here I’m setting ‘0x06’ to the response code, you can set any value.


4. Next step is important, here we’ll create request.xsl and reply.xsl.

There is a function socketReadWithXlation with that input data will be read from port and will be translated using the input message NXSD, so our request.xsl file look likes,

<xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:copy-of select="socket:socketReadWithXlation()" />

In sync response.xsl we need the response code that we set from BPEL process on step#3.We are going to use socketWrite function like below in the xslt,

<xsl:template match="//ns0:Response">
  <xsl:variable name="temp">
            <xsl:value-of select="/ns0:Response/ns0:Code"/>
    <xsl:variable name="var1" select="socket:socketWrite($temp, '','')"/>
    <xsl:variable name="var2" select="socket:socketEndOutput()"/>

5. Now its time to test. First deploy the composite and you’ll notice that it can’t be tested from EM. You need a client program to push the data to the socket.

public class EmpClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Socket socket;
            final String HOST = "localhost";
            final int PORT = 12112;
            try {
                socket = new Socket(HOST, PORT);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw ioe;
            System.out.println("sending data: EmpDetails;");
            OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
            byte[] b = "fn111111ln111111232007-01-01100\nfn211111ln211111232007-11-01200\nfn311111ln311111232007-12-01300".getBytes();
            for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("receiving data");
            BufferedReader soc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
            String successCode = soc_in.readLine();
            System.out.println("Success Code: " + successCode);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {

You might noticed I’m sending the same data from Java code with \n separator.When you run this program you should get below output,


Now check the flow from EM console,


So we are done! You can extend this scenario based on your requirement.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Oracle Healthcare Transport Callout


Recently I’m involved in a Healthcare project where Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare is being used , its cool one and easy to configure though have some limitation like explained below,

Say you are passing input message like below to an inbound SSHI endpoint where message type support has ADT 2.3.1.   For simplicity I’m using Oracle provided SSHI sample available at

MSH|^~\&|Admission APP|Admission FAC|MyCompany APP|MyCompany FAC|20050804162010||ADT^A04|001|P|2.3.1|||AL|ER|US|ASCII|ENG
OBR|1|6654831.001SAH|6654831.001SAH|POR.ABD1^PORTABLE ABDOMEN SINGLE VIEW|||201404220104|||||||||||CR^R20140422-0008|SAH^CR||||||2|1|1

If you carefully notice MSH segment it has & as subcomponent separator. So the web URL at OBX|1| will be treated as sub –component by SSHI as it has & within URL

So this URL is becoming^forLoginName=migdemo^forAccession=6654831.001SAH^forPatientPublicID=927952523 at output wire message of SSHI which is NOT desirable. Here transport callout come as handy and it will play a role before the translation of the message for inbound scenario and after the translation of message for outbound scenario. For more details on how transport callout works in Oracle Healthcare you care refer to Oracle doc at

Note this transport callout works only in Linux box and does NOT work in windows system.

Here is one of the high level solution for this problem,

  1. Need java API to parse the HL7 message , in our case I’ve used HAPI API available at
  2. Replace the special char like & [which essentially one of the delimiter in MSH segment] with some predefined char , in our case I’ll replace & with +.
  3. Process the inbound message and do the transformation , if needed, at SOA layer and hit the outbound SSHI endpoint.
  4. Add a transport callout in outbound SSHI which will replace back + with & , just exactly reverse of step 1.

Lets go through in more details.

Fist pick up any sample healthcare code from Oracle site , I took 2nd one as seen below,


Now verify the output message of Out_Patient_Laboratory with the input message I pasted above.

Now write a java code for transport callout like below,for inbound class name is EscapeSpecialCharacters and code like below,

import ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HapiContext;


import java.util.*;

import oracle.tip.b2b.callout.*;
import oracle.tip.b2b.callout.exception.*;

import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.Parser;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.util.Terser;

public class EscapeSpecialCharacters implements Callout {
    public void execute(CalloutContext context, List input,
                        List output) throws CalloutDomainException,
                                            CalloutSystemException {
        try {
            CalloutMessage cmIn = (CalloutMessage)input.get(0);
            String inHL7Msg = cmIn.getBodyAsString();

            String v23message =
                inHL7Msg.replaceAll("\n", "\r").replaceFirst("&", "#");

            HapiContext hapiContext = new DefaultHapiContext();
            Parser parser = hapiContext.getGenericParser();
            Message msg = parser.parse(v23message);

            Terser t23 = new Terser(msg);
            //System.out.println(t23.get("/OBX-5").replaceAll("&", "+"));
            t23.set("/OBX-5", t23.get("/OBX-5").replaceAll("&", "+"));

            FileWriter fw =
                new FileWriter("/oracle/fmwhome/user_projects/domains/dev_soasuite/servers/AdminServer/logs/callout_in.txt");
            fw.write(msg.encode().replaceFirst("#", "&"));

            CalloutMessage cmOut =
                new CalloutMessage(msg.encode().replaceFirst("#", "&"));


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CalloutDomainException(e);

You need to have b2b.jar and HAPI library in class-path for successful compilation. You can see here I’m parsing through HL7 message and using Tarser I’m retrieving the value of first OBX-5 and replacing all & of web url with +. All the segment list where special chars are appearing you can pass on as a parameter of callout and can make the program more generic.

For outbound AHOutboundCallout class just does the opposite thing,


import java.util.*;

import oracle.tip.b2b.callout.*;
import oracle.tip.b2b.callout.exception.*;

public class AHOutboundCallout implements Callout {
    public void execute(CalloutContext context, List input, List output) throws CalloutDomainException, CalloutSystemException {
        try {
            CalloutMessage cmIn = (CalloutMessage)input.get(0);
            String inHL7Msg = cmIn.getBodyAsString();
            StringBuffer outputMessage =
                new StringBuffer(inHL7Msg.length());
            String v23message=outputMessage.toString().contains("+")? outputMessage.toString().replace("+", "&"):outputMessage.toString();
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("/oracle/fmwhome/user_projects/domains/dev_soasuite/servers/AdminServer/logs/callout_out.txt");

            CalloutMessage cmOut =
                new CalloutMessage(v23message);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CalloutDomainException(e);

You might have noticed in both the cases I’m writing input and output message at callout_in.txt and callout_out.txt for verification.

Now create a callout in Healthcare after deploying the above class in jar profile . Keep all the HAPI API related jar in domain home/lib directory.

Now for inbound SSHI endpoint , Out_Patient_Admission, associate the class like below,


For outbound SSHI endpoint Out_Patient_Laboratory , associate the class like below,


Now its time to test the solution, I’m using HAPI HL7 tester to push the message ,


Now verify the callout_in.txt and callout_out.txt and transport callout parameters.


MSH|^~\&|Admission APP|Admission FAC|MyCompany APP|MyCompany FAC|20050804162010||ADT^A04|001|P|2.3.1|||AL|ER|US|ASCII|ENG
OBR|1|6654831.001SAH|6654831.001SAH|POR.ABD1^PORTABLE ABDOMEN SINGLE VIEW|||201404220104|||||||||||CR^R20140422-0008|SAH^CR||||||2|1|1


MSH|^~\&|Admission APP|Admission FAC|MyCompany APP|MyCompany FAC|20050804162010||ADT^A04|001|P|2.3.1|||AL|ER|US|ASCII|ENG
OBR|1|6654831.001SAH|6654831.001SAH|POR.ABD1^PORTABLE ABDOMEN SINGLE VIEW|||201404220104|||||||||||CR^R20140422-0008|SAH^CR||||||2|1|1

So it’s working as expected. Note, in wire message you might see still + for web URL , this is because transport callout happen just before delivering the message to the endpoint.

You can make the program more generic by adding parameters to the transport callout.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Communicate Between 2 Weblogic domains using SAF


I seen there are lots of material available in internet on implementation of Store And Forward JMS mechanism between two weblogic domains. Here in this blog I’ll repeat the same thing in simpler steps.


1. First you need to have 2 weblogic domain up and running , for my case those two domains running on same machine.

2.For both of the domain go to domain name –>security from weblogic admin console .


Select cross domain security enabled and enter credentials and confirm credentials , for my case I’ve given welcome1.It might ask you to restart the server , please do the same.

3. Now assume you are producing one message in JMS queue of domain1 and same should be available to JMS queue of domain2. So in domain1 create a file based persistence store , give physical directory location and target the same to either admin or any managed server. For my case I targeted to SOA managed server.


4. Create a new JMS server say TestJMSServer and point to the persistence store that you created earlier


5.Create a new JMS module say TestJMSModule and create a new subdeployment say TestSubDeployment which point to TestJMSServer .So whatever the resource will be created under this module will be targeted to TestSundeployment.


Here is my Subdeployment tab,


6.So now in domain1 we’ll create a TestLocalQ where the message will be produced.So add a queue resource type under TestJMSModule and give a JNDI, I’ve given jms/b2b/TestLocalQ, but it can be any unique thing.


7.Then create RemoteSAFContext resource under the same module and give the URL of domain2 like below,


The port in the URL may vary depends on where your remote queue deployed, it might be remote admin server as well instead of any managed one.Give the remote weblogic username and password.

8.Now Create a SAFErrorHandling resource under the same module like below,


9.Then create SAFImportedDestinations resource and select remote saf context and saf error handling from the dropdown that you have created in earlier steps. Give some prefix for JNDI prefix , it will be useful at later stage.


10. Go to the Queue tab of TestSAFImportedDestinations  and create a new SAF queue.Here it will ask for JNDI of local and remote queue . At step 6 we created a local queue with JNDI jms/b2b/TestLocalQ . Similarly create a queue in domain2 with some JNDI say jms/b2b/TestRemoteQ .


11. So we almost set, create a Store-and-forward agent from weblogic console.



12. Bounce the server, both Admin and Managed.We’ll use BPEL JMS adapter to produce message on TestSAFQueue that we created in step 10 and that message should be available to the remote queue having JNDI jms/b2b/TestRemoteQ .

After restarting the server go to SAF agent that you created in step 10 and go to monitoring tab,Verify all the sub-tabs


13. Now create a SOA Composite and add a JMS adapter in external reference.


Definitely you’ll not find the SAF queue that you created in step 10, so give any other queue name and complete the wizard selecting any XSDs.

14. Edit the jca file of JMS adapter and change the DestinationName to SAF queue JNDI,


To find the correct JNDI go to admin console and select the server where you targeted your JMS module and server. In my case I pointed to SOA managed server and click on JNDI tree there,


From the list search for JNDI prefix you gave at step 9 and copy binding name , which need to be updated in the JCA file.


15.Now deploy the composite and test it


Go to domain2 queue and check the message there.


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Oracle B2B Healthcare Integration With Inbound ADT File


In recent time I’m playing with different features available in Oracle Healthcare integration , its really cool one and have enriched GUI. Tons of sample SOA projects available to get start with on OTN , below are links : and

These will clarify all the concepts which is nothing but same as Oracle B2B product. So couple of things I noticed ,         

  1. when you create a endpoint in healthcare UI , corresponding trading partner in same name getting created in B2B.
  2. Its applicable for creation of agreement and document upload for each trading partners, but healthcare UI put an abstraction layer on B2B , so manipulation of the same are very easy.
  3. If I compare the source code for TPs after exporting the same I can notice one extra property createdByUI="fastpath-ui for healthcare endpoint which is not there for B2B TP, there might be other identifiers will explore that later.
  4. Whenever you will create send to internal queue under internal delivery channel under administration on healthcare UI , same will be created in channel marked as internal of host TP in B2B console.
  5. Whenever you will create receive from internal queue on healthcare UI same channel will be created in Administration—>Listening Channel of B2B console marked as internal.
  6. The last one which I’ll detail in this blog, whenever you configure a endpoint with transport protocol file then corresponding listening channel will be created in B2B which is NOT marked  as internal.

So while exploring the sample project I find that all are getting started using b2bsimulator like below command,                  ant -f b2bsimulator-util.xml b2bsimulatorstart -Dargs=""      where properties file have the MILP port for server and multiple clients.But I remember in B2B we used to place a file in a directory from where the listening channel used to poll and pick and interestingly I didn’t find any such sample.So in this blog I’ll go through that use case.

First prepare the SOA composite with healthcare adapter in Jdev using any ADT doc.


For receive below is my adapter configuration,


For sending the data to lab same document definition has chosen for outbound healthcare adapter configuration.In mediator just assign the value like below,


I also set the resequence expression in the mediator,


Now deploy the composite in SOA Server.

Log in to healthcare UI and create a new endpoint with FILE as transport protocol like below,


Here give the polling directory and under the composite dropdown select the one that you just created above.Verify the listening channel under B2B console after enabling the same,this is what I said in point 6 above.


That’s all, we are ready to go, place a file in the polling folder and from SOA em console you can see the instance,


Go to healthcare UI report and verify the same,


So like B2B we can also start the healthcare integration from file polling instead of using b2bsimulator.

Thursday, 24 April 2014



 Tune Policy Studio

Under oagpolicystudio directory there is a file policystudio.ini which contains the memory parameters for associated JVM for editor. For example, you can increase the Xmx value if your studio is too slow,


Tune Gateway

To tune JVM parameter in OAG server you need to play with jvm.xml. For example,

1. Heap-dump on ctrl-break <VMArg name="-agentlib:hprof=file=heap.out,format=b"/>

2. Heap Dump on OutOfMemoryException <VMArg name="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"/>

3. Increase JVM Memory <VMArg name="-Xms1024m" /> <VMArg name="-Xmx1024m" />



Cipher Configuration

You might need to configure cipher under advanced SSL tab though it depends on project need. For example,


Apart from that make sure,

1. Every policy needs to be mapped with relative path in OAG.

2. Remove all unused HTTP ports and interfaces.

3. Remove all unused policies which are excluded from project scope.

4. Remove all dummy connections to external entities.

5. Remove all the certs from cert store which are expired.

6. Remove all the users which are not allowed to access and configure OAG.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Dynamic SSL Configuration @OAG [Oracle API Gateway]


 Configuring Dynamic SSL Interface

Here SSL interface need to define by selecting appropriate port. For that you need a certificate and that needs to bind with SSL interface. Binding certificate with SSL port should be dynamic and certs will be picked up dynamically during runtime from environment variable. So in future if you want to bind another cert with SSL port you need not to change any code, just update environment property file.

For example,


Here X.509 Cert binds to environment variable and here is the excerpt for the same,


If you look at certificate with alias SSLCertServer has been created in OAG.


Notice the SSL port also accessing environment variable by ${env.PORT.INBOUND.SERVICES}.